Philosophical and methodological currents of Law, Jusnaturalism, Juspositivism, Topical, Dogmatic, Normativism, Judicialism, Neoconstitutionalism, Legal psychologyAbstract
Objective: Think about the place and the role, in all its "circumstance", of Law and Jurists in the society in which we live, the so-called "information society".
Methodology: It started with a reflection on the “state of the art” of philosophical and methodological currents and then arrived at less theoretical elements in general and more focused on law in action. It was an essentially philosophical methodology to follow.
Results: Although, in the "information society" in which we live, the philosophical and methodological theories in law end up being either dethroned by pure and simple technicality, which dispenses with them, or by superficial epitomes, there are still those who resist this research and teaching. This article seeks to establish the "state of the art" in relation to the different currents of thought in Philosophy and Methodology of Law, from the juspositivist / jusnaturalist dichotomous pair, to the normativism / judicialism dichotomous pair, passing through systematic / dogmatic thinking vs. topical / problematic thinking. However, this differentiation network is not enough. Binary oppositions overlap and imbricate. And, above all, there is the search for Justice, or, on the contrary, a routine and conformed application of what some believe to be the positive right of a hard lex, sed lex. In addition to thinking, so is practice. In addition to the right in the books, the right in action. The theory can undoubtedly be the foundation of this theory, but it is also the legal form of lawyers. Which, regardless of the personality of each jurist, also benefits from being generally formed by legal education, right from the Universities.
Contributions: The article comes to conclusions that are so original that the contributions, referred to throughout the text and notes, are essentially adjuvant and referring to specific argumentative or heuristic aspects.
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