European identity, Politics, Epistemological opening, MythAbstract
Objective: The purpose of this essay is to verify whether or not there is a European identity and what are its characterizing elements, trying to understand the consequences of this fact for Europe - in particular for the European Union - and for the world.
Methodology: This is an interdisciplinary research of a historical, philosophical, political, cultural and legal nature that relies on a deductive methodology of document analysis aiming at the articulation of diverse knowledge. Articulation is possible by defining a matrix of knowledge from a holistic perspective.
Results: There are evidences of the existence of different perspectives on European identity, which is essential for understanding political and social processes in Europe. It is also evident that there is a need for a minimum understanding between political agents and citizens about what European identity is for the European construction project to subsist.
Contributions: The main contribution of this research is to show that the European integration process is not simply technical, but political. Being political, it requires to rethink the process of exercising power, both in the European Union and in the States, replacing the classic logic of power by power with a logic closer to the citizens.
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