Implementation of environmental surveillance of rickettsiosis in the state of Ceará from 2010 to 2022


  • Robson da Costa Cavalcante Secretaria da Saúde do Ceará
  • Nayara Camila Amorim de Alvarenga Pivisan Secretaria da Saúde do Ceará
  • Luiz Osvaldo Rodrigues da Silva Secretaria da Saúde do Ceará
  • Francisco Bergson Pinheiro da Silva Secretaria da Saúde do Ceará
  • Ricristhi Gonçalves de Aguiar Gomes Secretaria da Saúde do Ceará
  • Roberta de Paula Oliveira Secretaria da Saúde do Ceará
  • Ana Carolina Mota de Faria Ministério da Saúde (Distrito Federal)
  • Ana Beatriz Pais Borsoi Instituo Oswaldo Cruz
  • Gilberto Salles Gazêta Instituto Oswaldo Cruz



tick-borne diseases, rickettsioses, in-service training, environmental surveillance


Objective: The objective of this work was to investigate and characterize the presence of Rickettsia spp., in ticks that are found close to human contact and contribute to the control and knowledge about rickettsial disease vectors in Ceará. Methods: During the period from 2010 to 2022, the Spotted Fever Surveillance and Control Program carried out technical training with lectures and fieldwork with active search practice by direct collection of potential vectors of Rickettsia spp., in vertebrate hosts, homes and environments in rural, urban and peripheral areas of municipalities with or without reported cases of rickettsioses in humans for 402 community endemic disease agents. Results: Nine thousand, six hundred and fifty two potential vectors were collected, distributed among 15 tick species. Surveillance is implemented in 48 municipalities, of which 25 (52%) presented vectors naturally infected with five species of rickettia. Conclusion: the results show the importance of this initiative and point to the need for permanent maintenance and expansion of surveillance, qualifying teams of health professionals to improve knowledge about the disease, which is essential for designing tratment strategies, prevention and controll.


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How to Cite

Cavalcante R da C, Pivisan NCA de A, da Silva LOR, da Silva FBP, Gomes RG de A, Oliveira R de P, et al. Implementation of environmental surveillance of rickettsiosis in the state of Ceará from 2010 to 2022. J Health Biol Sci. [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];12(1):1-7. Available from: