Historical series of cases of COVID-19 in brazilian regions in the year of 2020





COVID-19, Coronavirus, Incidence, SARS-CoV, Lethality


Aim: To analyze the incidence and lethality of COVID-19 in Brazil, through a historical series. Methods: Retrospective ecological study carried out by analyzing biweekly time series with secondary data from Brazilian regions and states, was on the state and integral health sites of the State of Health and IntegraSUS, related to SARS-CoV disease, from March to May 2020. Results: All states showed an increasing incidence trend, except Ceará. The highest lethality found was from Piauí. However, in the last analyzed period, the states of Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, São Paulo and Ceará stood out. The North had an increased incidence in relation to the others and the Southeast had the highest lethality rate. Conclusion: There was an increasing trend in incidence in all states, except Ceará. Piauí had the highest lethality coefficient. Considering the regions, the North showed an increasing trend in incidence and lethality was higher in the Southeast.


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Biografia do Autor

Guilherme Pertinni de Morais Gouveia, Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaíba - UFDPar

Docente Adjunto I do curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPICoordenador do Grupo de Pesquisa em Fisioterapia Avaliativa e Terapêuticas - GPFATMestre em Saúde Pública pela Universidade Federal do CearáDoutor em Ciências Médico-Cirúrgicas pela Universidade Federal do CearáContato: (55 86) 99993-9674Currículo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4485485225731789 

Samara Sousa Vasconcelos Gouveia, Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaíba - UFDPar

Physiotherapist, PhD in Medical-Surgical Sciences at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), professor of the Physiotherapy course at the Federal University of Delta of Parnaíba - UFDPar. Member of the Research Group on Evaluative and Therapeutic Physiotherapy - GPFAT.

Samila Sousa Vasconcelos, Centro Universitário Inta

Physiotherapist, Master in Child and Adolescent Health from the State University of Ceará. Professor at the INTA University Center

Elisson de Sousa Mesquita Silva, Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaíba - UFDPar

Graduating in Physiotherapy at the Federal University of Delta of Piauí - UFDPar. Member of the Research Group on Evaluative and Therapeutic Physiotherapy - GPFAT

Rebeca Galdino Medeiros, Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaíba - UFDPar

Graduating in Physiotherapy at the Federal University of Delta of Piauí - UFDPar. Member of the Research Group on Evaluative and Therapeutic Physiotherapy - GPFAT

Rosangela Lago da Silva, Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaíba - UFDPar

Graduating in Physiotherapy at the Federal University of Delta of Piauí - UFDPar. Member of the Research Group on Evaluative and Therapeutic Physiotherapy - GPFAT



Como Citar

Gouveia GP de M, Gouveia SSV, Vasconcelos SS, Silva E de SM, Medeiros RG, da Silva RL. Historical series of cases of COVID-19 in brazilian regions in the year of 2020. J Health Biol Sci. [Internet]. 18º de agosto de 2020 [citado 14º de março de 2025];8(1):1-7. Disponível em: https://unichristus.emnuvens.com.br/jhbs/article/view/3432