Policy against plagiarism and misconduct in research
JHBS maintains high standards of ethics and good publishing practices. The articles published by this journal comply with the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines, which aim to encourage the identification of plagiarism, bad practices, fraud, possible breaches of ethics, and the opening of lawsuits, we indicate:
- Authors should visit the COPE website http://publicationethics.org, which contains information for authors and editors on research ethics.
- Before submission, authors must comply with the following criteria:
- articles that contain data acquisition or analysis and interpretation of data from other publications should explicitly reference them;
- when writing articles that contain a critical review of the intellectual content of other authors, these should be duly cited;
- all authors must meet the criteria of unpublished authorship of the article, and none of the researchers involved in the research may be omitted from the list of authors;
- the final approval of the article will be made by the editors and editorial board.
- To answer the criteria, the following procedures will be carried out:
- the editors will evaluate the manuscripts on the website Plagiarism detect or Plagium as soon as they are submitted;
- with the results, the editors and editorial board will decide whether the manuscript will be sent for peer review;
- after acceptance and before publication, articles may be evaluated again
JHBS will not accept the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for inappropriate practices such as data fabrication, plagiarism, or manipulation of images and figures. Manuscripts identified with such irregularities will be immediately rejected.