Ethics in nursing care in the intensive care unit in the context of the new coronavirus pandemic




bjective: To identify the perception of the nursing team working in an intensive care unit on the ethical issues that involved the care of people infected by Covid 19. Method: Exploratory descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Results: Six nursing technicians and one nurse participated in the research, aged 30 to 40 years, with more than six months of experience in the Covid ICU. Among the ethical issues perceived by the group investigated, impotence and sadness at not being able to save a life; Fear of acquiring Covid 19 when carrying out care and therefore transmitting it to family members and the satisfaction in reversing the disease of those affected by the severity of the infection, were exalted feelings. The situations experienced with the families of victims of Covid 19, which triggered symptoms of anxiety in the researched team, were highlighted as ethical dilemmas experienced. Therefore, the union of the interdisciplinary and nursing team seemed to have contributed beneficially to the development of the work. Conclusion: The ethical issues perceived by the participants in the study involved satisfaction in the success of the treatment, and to a large extent, the feeling of impotence due to the worsening and or death of victims due to Covid 19. Praising the greatness of those investigated, an immersed group is recognized in a work environment involved in a work process rich in overcoming values ​​and principles, and with potential for the incorporation of new values ​​and moral virtues.


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How to Cite

Silva DA dos S, Borba KP de, Oliveira BES de, Daniella Machado Araújo M, Borba E de. Ethics in nursing care in the intensive care unit in the context of the new coronavirus pandemic. J Health Biol Sci. [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 29 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];12(1):1-6. Available from: