Mutagenic Evaluation of Fluoxetine and Fluoxetine-Galactomannan Complex Through the Analysis of Chromosomal Aberrations in Human Peripheral Leukocytes and Salmonella typhimurium/Microssome Assay


  • Bruno Coêlho Cavalcanti Centro Universitário Christus
  • Cecília Rocha da Silva Federal University of Ceará
  • João Batista de Andrade Neto Federal University of Ceará
  • Maria Aparecida Alexandre Josino Federal University of Ceará
  • Lívia Gurgel do Amaral Valente Sá Federal University of Ceará
  • Antônio Adailson de Sousa Silva Federal University of Ceará
  • Francisco Stefânio Barreto Federal University of Ceará
  • José Roberto de Oliveira Ferreira
  • Hemerson Iury Ferreira Magalhães Federal University of Ceará
  • Ícaro Gusmão Pinto Vieira Federal University of Ceará
  • Débora Hellen Almeida Brito Federal University of Ceará
  • Nágila Maria Pontes Silva Ricardo Federal University of Ceará
  • Fátima Daiana Dias Barroso Federal University of Ceará
  • Érica Rayanne Mota da Costa Federal University of Ceará
  • Hélio Vitoriano Nobre Júnior Federal University of Ceará
  • Manoel Odorico de Moraes Federal University of Ceará



Fluoxetine, Galactomannan, Mutagenicity, Chromosomal aberrations, Salmonella typhimurium /microsome assay


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mutagenic potential of fluoxetine and fluoxetine-galactomannan. Methods: Chromosomal aberration test and Salmonella typhimurium/microsome mutagenicity assay. Results: The results showed that fluoxetine (250 μg/mL) can cause chromosomal breaks of treated leukocytes and increase the frequency of reversion of the tester strains of S. typhimurium / microsome assay only at the highest concentration (5 mg/mL), while fluoxetine encapsulated in galactomannan did not cause these changes (leukocytes and S. typhimuriums strains). Conclusion: In summary, fluoxetine showed a mutagenic effect detectable only at high concentrations in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic models. Furthermore, the fluoxetine/galactomannan complex, in this first moment, prevented the mutagenicity attributed to fluoxetine, emphasizing that the present encapsulation process can be an alternative in preventing these effects in vitro.


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Como Citar

Cavalcanti BC, da Silva CR, Neto JB de A, Josino MAA, Valente Sá LG do A, Silva AA de S, et al. Mutagenic Evaluation of Fluoxetine and Fluoxetine-Galactomannan Complex Through the Analysis of Chromosomal Aberrations in Human Peripheral Leukocytes and Salmonella typhimurium/Microssome Assay. J Health Biol Sci. [Internet]. 1º de dezembro de 2022 [citado 14º de março de 2025];10(1):1-6. Disponível em: