Intraoral device for sociodigital inclusion of patient with quadriplegia




tetraplegia\deficiência física\ qualidade de vida\ inclusão\ dispositivo intra-oral


Introduction: The use of computers, tablets, and cell phones with the Internet by people with quadriplegia from spinal cord injuries is much lower when compared to the general population. The quality of life of these people can be substantially improved through access to these technologies, which would allow a quadriplegic to take advantage of the rapid evolution of information and communication. Many of these individuals have the function of preserved neck and mouth muscles, and it is possible to manipulate intraoral devices as an adaptation tool. Case Report: We report an intraoral device installation in a patient with quadriplegia, a victim of a firearm accident, who had a great desire to reuse the tablet for internet access. A device made of acrylic resin, similar to a myorelaxant plate, was designed to allow the use of a computer that was comfortable and at the same time, the patient could talk and not harm the dental structures. The person responsible agreed to participate in the research and signed the consent form. In addition, the work was submitted to an ethics committee. Considerations: The ideal intra-oral device for patient rehabilitation should be inexpensive, easy to adapt and promote muscle relaxation besides allowing the patient to expand their abilities and digitally increase their autonomy for society.


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Biografia do Autor

Clarissa Sales de Paula Campêlo, Centro Universitário Christus (Unichristus)

Professora de pós graduação dos cursos de Especialização em  Odontologia para Pacientes com Necessidades Especiais e de Habilitação em Odontologia Hospitalar do Centro Universitário Christus (Unichristus).

Francisco Artur Forte Oliveira, Centro Universitário Christus

Department of Dentistry, University Centre Christus (Unichristus), Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil.

Fabrício Bitu Sousa, Centro Universitário Christus

Department of Dentistry, University Centre Christus (Unichristus), Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil.

Tácio Pinheiro Bezerra, Centro Universitário Christus

Department of Dentistry, University Centre Christus (Unichristus), Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil.



Como Citar

Campêlo CS de P, Oliveira FAF, Sousa FB, Bezerra TP. Intraoral device for sociodigital inclusion of patient with quadriplegia. J Health Biol Sci. [Internet]. 1º de junho de 2022 [citado 14º de março de 2025];10(1):1-5. Disponível em: